Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Character A Day Wrap-Up

Whew!  Drawing everyday is challenging enough, especially when it's not my full-time job, but drawing a character everyday is darn near exhausting!  I know I wasn't able to post for 31 consecutive days, but I assure I drew at least one new character a day for the entire month of May.

So, my faithful followers, I give you the final days of my "Character A Day for May" attempt.  I hope you like.  Enjoy...

Day 26, Spider-crab!!

Day 27, THE Sketch Hound

Day 28, Evil, sinistery, king-guy

Day 29, Ker' uak's space buddy- Salinger

Day 30, Jing.  She's got a killer round house.

 Day 31, Yeung.  He may be small.  He may be short.  But he's definitely one tough hero.

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